Early Releases / First Releases Period Temporarily Extended

Posted on 4/6/2020

The temporary extension will allow 45 days for a new banknote issue to be submitted to PMG for these designations

Updated 4/6/20: Due to continuing distribution and logistical delays as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, PMG has extended the Early Releases and First Releases submission period to 45 days (instead of the usual 30 days) for all new note issues released through May 15.


PMG has temporarily extended the eligibility period for its popular Early Releases and First Releases designations to help customers affected by local and regional shutdowns due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. The temporary extension will allow 45 days for a new banknote issue to be submitted to PMG for these designations instead of the usual 30 days.

Any new banknote issue released now through April 15 will qualify for Early Releases or First Releases if received by PMG within 45 days of its release date. In addition, all Early Releases and First Releases cutoff dates currently posted will be extended by 15 calendar days. If you have any questions about your banknote's cutoff date for Early Releases and First Releases, contact PMG Customer Service.

For more information about the Early Releases and First Releases designations, click herehereherehere.

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