NGC and PMG Highlights in A. Karamitsos Auction
Posted on 7/21/2017
The Auction House A. Karamitsos, which has been in the philately trade for more than forty years, is glad to present its new Public & LIVE Bid Auction 593, featuring coins, medals and banknotes from all over the world.
- Lot 8039 - Greece, 1836 2 Lepta, NGC VF Details. Starting price: 1800€
- Lot 8043 - Greece, 1845 1/4 Drx, NGC UNC Details. Starting price: 2800€
- Lot 8048 - Greece, 1851 5 Drx, NGC AU Details. Starting price: 2500€
- Lot 8051 - Greece, 1868-83 1 Drx, NGC AU Details. Starting price: 2500€
- Lot 8061 - Greece, 1873A 2 Drx, NGC MS 62. Starting price: 2500€
- Lot 8071 - Greece, 1879A 5 Lepta, NGC MS 63 BN. Starting price: 3300€
- Lot 8072 - Greece, 1879A 10 Lepta, NGC MS 63 BN. Starting price: 9500€
- Lot 8076 - Greece, 1883A 2 Drx, NGC MS 61. Starting price: 5500€
- Lot 8088 - Greece, 1921 50 Lepta Aluminum Trial, NGC MS 61. Starting price: 3500€
- Lot 8135 - Crete, 1901 5 Drx, NGC MS 60. Starting price: 12000€
- Lot 8136 - Ionian Is., 1819 2 Obols – Medal Strike, NGC PF 63 BN . Starting price: 4500€
- Lot 8167 - Great Britain, 1902 5 Sovereign, NGC PF 61 MATTE. Starting price: 5500€
- Lot 8201 - Greece, 1909-1918 25 Drx, PMG 64 Choice Uncirculated EPQ. Starting price: 2800€
- Lot 8211 - Greece, 1917-1918 1000 Drx, PMG 15 Choice Fine NET. Starting price: 1250€
- Lot 8295 - Greece, 1946 20,000 Drx, PMG 55 About Uncirculated EPQ. Starting price: 1050€
- Lot 8305 - Greece, 1954 10 Drx, PMG 64 Choice Uncirculated. Starting price: 1800€
- Lot 8336 - Greece, 1942 25,000 Drx, PMG 55 About Uncirculated. Starting price: 1800€
- Lot 8350 - Greece/Ionian Islands, 1941 5000 Drx, PMG 55 About Uncirculated. Starting price: 6250€
- Lot: 8356 - Greece, 1914-17 100 Drx, PMG 63 Choice Uncirculated. Starting price: 1500€
- Lot: 8379 - Palestine Currency Board, 1939 1 Pound, PMG 25 VF. Starting price: 450€

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