PMG Notes Available at Auction

Posted on 11/18/2014

The official PCDA National Coin and Currency Convention auction features PMG-certified bank notes.

PMG-certified bank notes will be available for collector and dealer bidding in the Lyn Knight Official Currency Auction of the PCDA. This incredible auction features world notes from all over the globe.

Two exceptional examples of PMG notes available in the sale include:

  • A 1953 Malaya and British Borneo $5 note with Queen Elizabeth II shown on the obverse. This spectacular item is graded PMG Superb Gem UNC 67 EPQ. Of the 358 examples listed in the PMG population report, only the two highest are so choice.

1953 Malaya and British Borneo $5 note.
Click to enlarge.

  • A 1919 Poland 1000 Zlotych. This PMG Gem UNC 66 EPQ piece stands alone as the best of eleven examples listed in the the PMG population report the note and features a Kosciuszko/eagle and ornate framework.

1919 Poland 1000 Zlotych.
Click to enlarge.

The sale is available for viewing and bidding at For more information on the PCDA convention visit their website.

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