The 2014 PMG Registry Award Winners
Posted on 10/17/2014
Each of the PMG graders sat on the judging panel and after much consideration reached consensus on this year's winners. We would like to commend this year's Registry Award winners for their commitment to numismatics as well as their willingness to share their truly extraordinary collections with us all.

Best Large Size Set
Wounded Bear - Chino Pets Black Eagle $1 Complete Set (with Stars)Judges' Comments: This year's US Large Size winner comes from the Black Eagle $1 Complete Set (with Stars). Wounded Bear has splashed onto the scene in a big way this year by overtaking the previous winner with the set, Chino Pets. Wounded Bear has completed 100% of the set bringing their point lead to 6,907 and views to 883. Completing this set is quite an accomplishment, and this is a set worth seeing. All but five notes in this set are graded EPQ. Of the EPQ notes, 18 out of 21 are uncirculated with 15 grading gem or better. A set most deserving of this year's Large Size award, be sure to check out Chino Pets by Wounded Bear.
Best Small Size Set
Riccee - RICCEE V Collection $1 Silver Certificates All Blocks with StarsJudges' Comments: 2014 was an excellent year for small size in the registry, with many sets considered for the Best Small Size Set award. There was one set that stood out in the pack. The "RICCEE V" Collection $1 Silver Certificates All Blocks with Stars by Riccee passed 2010 winner, The Rock, in this category and leads by just over 2,000 points. An incredibly immense set featuring many different series and blocks, delving into this set can be a challenge of the utmost proportions. What Riccee has done requires dedication and the passion is clearly demonstrated with this collection, stretching across several avenues. Included in the set are a 1928E graded 30 along with 1935A "R" and "S" experimental star notes graded 25 and 15 respectively. A majority of the collection is graded 67 with an additional 25 68's and a 69. Riccee has 100% Block completion of 1928B, 1957A and 1957B, and also has all runs from the 1935G No Motto BJ blocks. Riccee's overall registry rank is up to #19 now, and it would not be a surprise to see him rise further in the standings.
Best World Set
carolusalpha28 - Sarimanok Collection of Philippines Victory Series SetJudges' Comments: 2014 was a great year for PMG's world registry, marked by significant growth in set types and participation. With many finalists in mind, the Sarimanok Collection of Philippines Victory Series Set with Replacements by carolusalpha28 stood out as our winner for Best World Set. This outstanding set from a very popular area of Philippine notes not only has a high completion rate at 75%, but several notes received high grades with EPQ. Coupled with 40 images and descriptions, Sarimanok Collection was very deserving of this year's Best World Set award.
Best Presented Set
Bseiso - Bseiso's Collection of Iraq Currency Board BanknotesJudges' Comments: The Best Presented Set of 2014 goes to a past winner from 2012. Bseiso's Collection of Iraq Currency Board Banknotes is one of the most amazing signature sets you will come across in PMG's registry. There could not be a more in-depth set that uses all of the features the registry has to offer. Each note includes spectacular images with detailed descriptions that represent the collection extremely well. One will also notice this set includes a well done introduction about the theme of the signature set. Bseiso's efforts are undeniable and again warrant this year's Best Presented Set.
Best Overall Set
TheRock - The DeRocker Collection 1928-1966A Complete Legal Tender Block SetJudges' Comments: It is rare that a recipient will win awards for the same category in consecutive years, but it was The Rock who came through again in 2014 in the Best Overall Set category. "The DeRocker Collection" 1928-1966A Complete Legal Tender Block Set stood out with highlights scattered throughout. Three difficult notes from the set include the 1966 and 1966A $100 with a 1966 $100 star note as well. What is incredible about this group is The Rock managed to score grades of 67 on each of these three notes. Furthermore, those 67's belong to a larger group of superb gems that make up 60% of the collection. This set brings The Rock's point total up to 652,449 making him 4th overall in the registry rankings. With several other sets in the PMG registry, it is safe to assume The Rock will only continue his quest with a single number in mind - One.

Overall Achievement Award
Harry Collection
Judges' Comments: The Overall Achievement award had a competitive year, but it was hard to ignore Harry Collection's activity in the world registry. The Harry Collection is made up of numerous sets spanning over 36 countries! Where most collectors may focus on a specific country or region, the Harry Collection has taken strides toward being a major competitor in several countries. With the additions that were made this year, the Harry Collection has risen to an overall rank of #17 with over 160,000 points. The evidence is clear that the Harry Collection is making a strong mark in the registry with more to come. View all of the Harry Collection sets here.
Honorable Mentions
2014 was a competitive year and it goes without saying there were many sets considered that did not take home the award. Here are a few more outstanding competitors from 2014:
EMO COLLECTION - Signature Sets
cvcc-inc - World/South Korea
MCrup - US Small Size
G. Wood - US Small Size
Alex3001 - US Large Size
Pennyman - CSA Notes
IndoHound - World
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