Obscured Sets in the PMG Registry

Posted on 6/5/2014

In an effort to provide the best experience for PMG Registry participants, we have modified the treatment of obscured sets in the Registry.

An obscured set is one where the owner has chosen to have their set appear in the rank list but the details of the notes within the set do not display in the public view.

Many Registry participants have asked to compete against only publicly visible sets so that the rankings were more transparent. In response to this feedback, we have changed the handling of obscured sets. The obscured sets will still appear in the rank list. However, they will not have an official rank and will not be considered for awards. If an owner of an obscured set wishes to compete for awards or have the rank of their set displayed, they may change their set from obscured to public at any time.

If you have any questions or comments, please email registry@pmgnotes.com.

The PMG Registry is a free service of the The PMG Collectors Society. Explore the Registry Now!

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