2013 PMG Registry Award Winners
Posted on 10/11/2013
The results of the fourth annual PMG Registry Awards are in. Each of the PMG graders sat on the judging panel and after much consideration reached consensus on this year's winners. We would like to commend this year's Registry Award winners for their commitment to numismatics as well as their willingness to share their truly extraordinary collections with us all.

Best Large-Size Set
xlcurrencyBig Blue Fives
Judges' Comments: With eleven out of twelve notes grading Choice Uncirculated or better, xlcurrency's district set of $5 1914 Blue Seal Federal Reserve Notes ranked among this year's top Large Size sets. The gem of the set (no pun intended) is xlcurrency's $5 from Philadelphia which graded 65 EPQ along with three others from Boston, Richmond and Minneapolis. With only one note grading About Uncirculated, this set is an excellent collection of impressive examples from each district from 1914. A complete set with more than a 10,000 point lead and room for growth, xlcurrency has made their mark on the registry with this set.
Best Small Size Set
Jack AckermanThomas Irwin Collection - FRN
Judges' Comments: It was a very competitive year in small size, and emerging at the top for this year's best small size set was Jack Ackerman with the Thomas Irwin Collection of Small Size Federal Reserve Note $5 notes. An amazing set with 100% completion, the Thomas Irwin Collection is not only complete but this set breaks barriers that are not often seen in the registry. All notes in the set have been graded EPQ with 38 out of 39 grading Choice Uncirculated. Of those 38 notes, 22 have received grades of 68 or higher! It is quite an accomplishment to compile this many high quality notes. Definitely a feat worth mentioning, the quality of this set is unsurpassed and is what puts this set above the field.
Best World Set
zeng8866E&B RMB Series Set (1953-Present)
Judges' Comments: This year's best world set goes to zeng8866 with their People's Republic 1953-Present collection. A set that is halfway to completion, zeng8866 has put together a very nice group of nearly 40 notes with 38 out of 40 grading Gem Uncirculated or better! Of the 38 notes that are graded uncirculated, 29 of them are graded 67 EPQ! A difficult task among any collection, the amount of high grade notes in this collection was hard to ignore. And with only a few holes remaining at the early end of the set, zeng8866 is way out in front of the competition. We look for this set to continue it's prominence as the latter end nears completion. China has become a very popular avenue for collectors along with other countries in Asia, so it is not surprising that this year's best world set comes from the People's Republic.
Best Presented Set
MalleabledanMPC Complete Denomination Set
Judges' Comments: There was no doubt when it came to selecting this year's best presented set. Malleabledan's Complete MPC set has a phenomenal collection of Military Payment Certificates with outstanding images and presentation. It's one thing to build a nice set in our registry, but to take it a step further and provide presentation for the collecting community really sets the bar. This set not only has exceptional images, but includes 69 total notes with over 90% receiving the EPQ designation. The set also possesses several notes graded Gem Uncirculated or better with a Series 692 25 Cent highlighting at 68 EPQ. Taking full advantage of the registry, this is a fantastic set all around which allows everyone to see and enjoy an amazing collection of Military Payment Certificates.
Best Overall Set
The RockThe DeRocker Collection Complete Set (SS LT)
Judges' Comments: When discussing this year's Best Overall set it was hard to deny The DeRocker Collection Complete Set of Small Size Legal Tender of this honor. With the lowest grade coming in at 66 EPQ, it goes without saying that this set has notes of the highest quality. Two highlights of the set of nearly 30 flawless notes include two $100 notes from 1966 and 1966A both receiving the grade of 67 EPQ. Another nice highlight from the collection is a 1953C $2 which received a grade of 68 EPQ. Another very competitive small size set from our registry, DeRocker's Complete Set of Small Size Legal Tender is one to admire as a set like this is not completed overnight. Setting itself apart from the registry with high quality material, it is hard not to be envious of such a group that is very deserving of our Best Overall award.

Overall Achievement Award
GSA Gem QuestOur Overall Achievement winner for this year, GSA Gem Quest, needs no introduction. GSA Gem Quest was very busy this year competing with sets not only in US but also branching out into 5 other countries. Most notable for the Newport Ridge Collections, a good place to see GSA Gem Quest's activity is through the Large Size Denomination sets. All six sets increased point totals by more than 2,000 points in 2013 and all rank among the top 5 in their respective categories. GSA's Gold Certificate Denomination set ranks second among collectors and is the top ranking set within GSA's full collection. With 100% completion, GSA's $1 Large Size Type Notes is also a set to be admired. We're always thrilled to see collectors moving into other areas of collecting, and when it is done in this fashion an award only seems fitting. GSA Gem Quest's homepage
Honorable Mention
*DES*Dave's Fractional Currency Complete Type Set
This year's honorable mention goes to a superb Fractional currency set from *DES*. Titled Dave's Fractional Currency Complete Type Set, this complete set features notes that have all received EPQ and have graded Gem Uncirculated or better. If there is any area that is challenging when it comes to getting EPQ, fractional currency ranks near the top. With many notes being hinged or mounted, it is hard to come by such a group where all notes receive the EPQ designation. But the most incredible part about this set is the fact that all notes graded Gem Uncirculated or better! A feat many collectors seek but without accomplishment, this set has much to be desired.
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