PMG Grading BEP 2013 $2 Double Deuce Set
Posted on 5/10/2013
For a limited time PMG will be offering encapsulation of the BEP's 2013 $2 Double Deuce Sets for a special price and designation. Notes will be certified with an "UNC" grade or a "GEM" grade for those notes that qualify. See below for submission instructions.

Sample UNC set.

Sample GEM set.
Submission Instructions:
- Notes for the set MUST be on their own submission invoice.
- The set may be sent intact or just the notes may be sent. If the set is sent intact, the packaging will not be returned with the graded notes unless Return Mint Packaging is selected on the submission form ($3 fee).
- Select the Economy tier - the $25 fee covers both notes in the set. The five (5)-note minimum is waived for these sets.
- Sets to be considered for the "GEM" designation will be charged an additional $2 per set.
- To be eligible for the "GEM" grade designation, please write "CHECK FOR GEM" on the submission form. If "CHECK FOR GEM" is not written on the invoice, qualifying notes will be graded with "UNC" designations only.
- Please fill in the pedigree column on the submission form with "2013 $2 Double Deuce Set."
Submitters should contact PMG for bulk submission instructions and guidelines.
Questions? Contact PMG Customer Service at or 1-877-PMG-5570 (1-877-764-5570).
Collectors Society paid members can submit their notes directly to PMG. Not a PMG Collectors Society member? Paid memberships start at just $39/year. Join as a Premium member, or upgrade to Premium membership, and you'll receive a coupon to have five notes graded for free. Join today.
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