Enhanced Communication Features for Collectors Society Members
Posted on 6/23/2011
Collectors Society

• Send a user a message
• Visit the user's full profile
• Follow/unfollow or ignore a user
• See who the user is following
• See who is following that user
We changed the ‘friends’ terminology to follow/following. We wanted the names of these features to better indicate how they work. We also added public visibility to the following/follow lists so that people can now share who they're following and see who is following them. This should help our members to spread the word about people who have interesting sets and/or good journal articles.
The Collectors Journal has been a popular feature for Collectors Society members since it was first introduced in 2005. It is a place for members to share thoughts about their collecting experiences in general. Much like a "blog" or "web log," it allows users to post articles in one coherent spot.
There is no fee to set up your own journal entries, only a free Collectors Society membership is required. The Collectors Society is an online community developed to provide services and education to collectors. The Collectors Journal is just one of the many resources available with free membership.
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